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Three Christs, Sleeping Mime, and the Last Supper Pagan Paradise By Amanda Gluibizzi.A Bridge Between You and Everything: An Exhibition of Iranian Women Artists By Cigdem Asatekin.Stephen Antonakos: Late Light Gold Works 2010–2013 By Mary Ann Caws.To Fix the Image in Memory By Phong Bui.Louis Osmosis and Thomas Blair:This is your captain speaking By Simon Wu.Otherwise Obscured: Erasure in Body and Text By J C.Max Schumann: Tonight Where You Live By Tom McGlynn.Odessa Straub: There’s my chair I put it there By Robert R.Sadie Barnette: The New Eagle Creek Saloon By Olivia Gauthier.BARBARA DE VIVI with Angela Brisotto, Victoria Stephanie Uzumyemezoglu, Sara Antoniolli, and Olga Lepri.TIONA NEKKIA MCCLODDEN with Sara Roffino.A message from Phong Bui Publisher and Artistic Director Art

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